Påverkar omorganisation den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för chefer inom kommunal omsorg?

  • Annette Eklund
  • GunBritt Herremo

    Examensarbete: Kandidatexamen


    The main question of this study is about how reorganizations influence on the mental social working environment for chiefs in municipal care. We want to find out how chiefs experience their mental social working environment in a reorganization. The method we used was a qualitative method. We interviewed eight chiefs in municipal care. The interview was done in two different municipalities, where we interviewed four in each municipality. We have also searched for relevant literature for the area, to get knowledge as much as possible. The theories we used were McGregor's theory X and Y. We also used Fiedler's leadership theory. It appeared in our study that the influence on the mental social working environment was varying, it depended on which structure the reorganization had. Were the reorganization structured was the mental social working environment less influenced. It appeared in our study that the most important on a reorganization were three words, clear, honest and straight.


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