Introduction: The caesarean section rate has increased significantly in the last twenty years. The fact that a woman has delivered by caesarean section once does not automatically mean that she will again. Some women want a repeat caesarean section while others want a vaginal birth. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe women’s thoughts, expectations and desires in the presence of their delivery after a previous caesarean section. Methods: A systematic literature review through study of scientific articles. Thirteen articles were analyzed and combined. Results: Yearning for a vaginal delivery was what most of the women expressed. To be involved in the decision making process was important. The women wanted individually suited information and support. The women had a more realistic understanding of the birthing experience after the previous caesarean and had a greater understanding for the fact that caesarean sometimes is inevitable. Their attitude was to expect the unexpected and to be more humble in their expectation. Conclusion: Through increased knowledge regarding women’s thoughts, expectations and desires in the presence of their next delivery after a previous caesarean section, the caregivers can give support and individual information at a greater extent.
Tilldelningsdatum | 2009-maj-01 |
Originalspråk | Svenska |
Nationell ämneskategori
- Medicin och hälsovetenskap (3)